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JavaScript Kit Pop Quiz


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//change 5 to the total number of questions var total=5 var question=new Array() for (i=1;i<=total+1;i++){ temp="choice"+i+"=new Array()" eval(temp) } var solution=new Array() /*Below lists the phrases that will be randomly displayed if the user correctly answers the question. You may extend or shorten this list as desired*/ var compliments=new Array() compliments[0]="you are becomming strong like arnold!" compliments[1]="i like you that is way im going to kill you last!" compliments[2]="your mussle is growing!" compliments[3]="you almost kow as much about me as i do." compliments[4]="Correct!" compliments[5]="Great Job!" compliments[6]="Good work!" /*Below lists the questions, its choices, and finally, the solution to each question. Folow the exact format below when editing the questions. You may have as many questions as needed. Check doc at for more info */ question[1]="WHAT WAS THE TITLE OF ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER'S FIRST FEATURE LENTH MOVIE?" choice1[1]="THE TERMINATOR." choice1[2]="CONAN THE BARBARIAN." choice1[3]="COMMANDO" choice1[4]="PUMPING IRON." question[2]="What is the world's most common religion?" choice2[1]="Christianity" choice2[2]="Buddhism" choice2[3]="Hinduism" choice2[4]="Muslim" question[3]="Which city ranks as the world\'s most populous city?" choice3[1]="New York (US)" choice3[2]="Mexico City (Mexico)" choice3[3]="Tokyo (Japan)" choice3[4]="Shanghai (China)" question[4]="According to statistics, what kind of sites on the net are the most popular?" choice4[1]="Adult content sites" choice4[2]="Portal sites" choice4[3]="Chat sites" choice4[4]="News sites" question[5]="As of June 1998, how much is Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates's net worth?" choice5[1]="10 million US" choice5[2]="10 billion US" choice5[3]="35 billion US" choice5[4]="50 billion US" solution[1]="c" solution[2]="a" solution[3]="b" solution[4]="b" solution[5]="d"

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